Yesterday I let my anger out that had been building from the Madoff thefts. Even if you didn't invest directly with Madoff there are funds that did and there is a possibility many more people lost investments than is being reported. I had to get it out and today, after some time to think about it, this is what I wish would happen:
- Madoff's should be moved into a scummy bug infested cheap apartment, so they don't spend money they stole living in a lavish apartment. They should get just enough money for food and not a dime more.
- Madoff children should have all their assets frozen until they can prove they bought them with their own money and not with stolen money.
- Family members should also be investigated.
- All assets, whether currently in the hands of family or friends should all be seized to pay back as much as possible.
- Any retirement fund: social security, mutual fund and so forth should be taken from the Madoff's and used to pay back people they stole from.
- Both Husband and Wife should be made to get a low income job, with lots of hours - like in a fast food place, to pay back as much as possible before their die.
I really want them to suffer and the only way to do that is to take everything from them, it was paid for with stolen money after all, and have them work to pay as much of the stolen money back as possible. They do not deserve sympathy. I don't think people should do them harm, otherwise they can't be forced to pay back the stolen money, but spitting on them and shaming them until they are dead is acceptable. Calling them names in public to humiliate and maybe cause them to feel bad is also acceptable. I do not think these people should be allowed to continue living anywhere near the life they were use to while they stole millions of dollars from people.
I think this would be fair. The problem is people aren't willing to act and demand the courts to move faster while the Madoffs continue to spending their ill gotten booty.
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