
Is Capitalism Dead?

The way capitalism is practiced, I see it as a lame sick horse that needs to be put out of its misery. A quick bullet to the head and it's over. Done. Then we can begin anew. 

Our current unsustainable capitalistic ideas are out-moded, not in line with reality. Capitalists see everything as infinite: resources, money, the environment - everything. That just can't be true. We live on a finite planet, where everything has a limit. There is only so much of anything and when it's used up, that's it, no more.

If we as a species, the planet, and all life - a gift, is to remain, then the rules of engagement have to change to ensure our, the planets and all life's continuance.

A short post as this will be part of my new book by the same title.  For those who have not had a chance to check out my book: Recession Survival Guide, it can be bought here:  http://recessionsurvival.richardboettner.com/

Have a fun Valentine's Day.

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