
This Economy is Effecting More Than The Pocket Book

This economy has got everyone in a slump. There are people in denial who continue living their lives as if nothing is wrong. Then there are people who act as if we are seeing the end of the world. That's not happening yet.

Everyday in the news the stock market continues to go down. Why? For far too many years credit has been too available without regard to whether anyone could afford it. Also, companies have cooked the books, falsifying their bottom line, which helped fuel a buy, buy, buy in stocks. Remember Enron? They cooked the books! Madoff got away with it for decades. And there are certainly more out there. Where there is one rat, there are more. It happened because no one was paying attention or willing do anything about it because they too made a lot of money, lots of it, and as long as they made money, they didn't care too much.

Now people are seeing huge losses and its effecting them in more ways than just in their pocket books, bank account or investments. There is a serious increase in depression, an emotional slump. People are down right depressed. The fortune they were counting on in their retirement is now gone. Some of it is because they got greedy, like in the cartoons, they only saw dollar signs. Instead of being diversified with their money spread around, they were looking at more than doubling their money in fewer investments.

The depression that people are feeling due to their losses in their investment is real, but few are doing much about it. People are resorting to gambling in hopes of making up what they lost, only to lose even more. While others are drinking more, maybe even straight from the bottle as their escape. What people could do instead is, get involved to change policy to stop this sort of investment fraud from happening in the future. It would be proactive, positive and depression relieving. But far too many people would rather drown their sorrows than do anything. It would mean they would have to accept some responsibility.

It is truly a sad state of affairs and it looks like no one is going to do much about it.

In my recently published book, Recession Survival Guide, I give people not only some background into what help bring us to this point but also what anyone can do to help themselves. It sells for $19.95 and can be downloaded immediately. Along with the book I am giving away the following: 3 files demonstrating the power of compound interest, budget workbook, The Money Changers which explains banking industry, and a recipe booklet.

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