
Scams, ripsoffs, being held at gun point

The AIG news is some of the worst greed I've heard recently. They just can't stop ripping off the tax payer any worse. The greed of the rich is so bad I am ready to jump on the bandwagon of 'Kill The Rich.' I do make comments like, beat that sucker or they deserve a good lashing, but I have never gone so far as to advocate the extermination of anyone. But the rich have gone too far.

Millions of people are out of work and these people demand a bailout to make sure they stay rich, not to make sure their company stays in business or employees keep their jobs. Even thought they have contracts they should have done the right thing, give up their bonuses until the company is out of hawk and making money again. Contract or no contract - do the right thing people!

For the last two and half decades executives have laid people off to increase profits, ensure bonuses and benefit packages so big more than 90% of us will never see, seeming to only exist in fantasy. During that same period of time the middle class and poor have seen a reduction in vacation time, sick days, personal days - if they still exist at all, reduction or elimination or health benefits and the same for pension funds.

All of this is not because companies don't have money, it has just shifted upwards to fewer and fewer people. That's right, the rich have made themselves richer not by hard work but by ripping us all off, running the biggest scam in the world, they deserve it. Well I for one am tired and I'm making the call to arms.

There must be a list of executives somewhere and they should be posted just like the most wanted criminals, which they are. These people deserve to have bricks thrown through their windows, tires slashed, spat upon in copious amounts, heckled, booed, pee thrown on their expensive cloths, poop too, also rotten tomatoes, tripped so they fall into the gutter, tossed down a man hole into the sewers, and chased by mobs of people out of the country, preferably make them swim to some other place than this country. If they drown, all the better.

I for one can not stand the greed of the rich any longer. Let us dust off the guillotines and start taking heads, just like the French. See how they turned out, they're doing better we are. They are more productive than us and after the French did away with their rich nobility they prospered, people have more rights, make more money than we do, everyone has health coverage, month or more vacation time and full retirement benefits and more. So I am calling for an old fashioned uprising and while we're at killing the rich, lets do away with the IRS too. It's only a private corporation that has no place in our system any longer.

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