People need to stop listening to the news, or at least realize, its all hype. Most of what I hear on the news anymore is pure garbage:
--we're going to come out of this within 6 to 12 months - yeah, right, let try years from now
--things are still not as bad as during the Great Depression - sure, then why keep comparing things to it - right now there are just as many people unemployed as during the Great Depression (don't look at percentages, look at real numbers)
--just keep shopping, things will get better - they just want your money and could care less if you are poor, broke or a debt slave
Grow up people! Here is what I think:
--the news should be forced to either say, 'we don't know' or tell the truth, whichever the case may be
--people that run banks should all be flogged and then slapped with harsher rules and regulations, after all, they've committed fraud for far too long
--people like Madoff and his wife should be treated like the scum they are, everything they own should be taken from them and they should be forced into harsh labor to pay everyone back
--whoever creates bad loans should be forced to hang onto them and not through lies pretend they are good investments and sell them off (in part that's what caused this economic mess and had a rippling effect all over the world)
--all top executives in every corporation should take a deep pay cut, either pay into universal health care to cover their employees, give them more time off and pay bonuses based on how well the company does, after all they created the profit, not the executives
I could rant on, but what use is it, no one cares. That's the real problem isn't it. No one cares. No one does anything about anything. People just sit at home and complain to the TV rather than get off their back-sides and do something. Make sure banks and corporations no longer rip us off. No, they would rather believe in the fantasy that someone else will fix things. They don't have to do anything. They're powerless after all, why try.
Torta Mousse de Nutella
3 years ago
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