
I am giving up, and I predict...

People in the U.S. just don't seem to be getting angry enough to come together in order to demand the changes necessary in the financial industries in order to make sure this sort of thing does not happen again.

Right now I am seeing two classes of people: Those that know and understand what is going on are hoping to again make lots of money as long as there aren't any new regulations to stop them from ripping us all off. The other class of people are just too stupid, disinterested and complacent that they would never get their collective behinds off the couch to do much of anything or take the time to learn how money works or prevent the rich from continually ripping them off. Sorry if it offends, but what the hell are you doing about this mess? Complaining to me about this post? That's not getting anything done.

This country, I fear, is going to continue the way it has, with the rich getting richer on the backs of those below them. The poor will become a class of slaves. Maybe, if this country is lucky, it will see a civil war resulting in a revised constitution providing rights to all the people who have not had many rights before ending in a new style of government, with less division this one currently has.

I don't make myself out to be a prognosticator, but I did tell people about the collapse of banks and the economy. It happened, although a little sooner than I thought. I now make another prediction, we have not seen the end of this financial disaster. We are in the eye of the storm and next year will see things at least twice as bad as they are now. This country, if it does nothing to prepare itself, will fail and will no longer exist after 2012, at least not as it does now. The dust bowl Depression Era was only a preparation to what is coming. People forgot to listen or take the lessons to heart.

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